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Candidate Q&A: Mike Hayse

Mike Hayse is running for Ridley School Board. He recently shared with us his thoughts on running for office, including what inspired him to run, what he hopes to change if elected, and what his priorities in office will be.

Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?

It seems cliché to run on the issue of accountability, but that is at the top of the list on my reasons for running. One-party rule in Ridley has contributed to a culture of entitlement among the Republicans who have controlled the School Board for decades. We need to elect members of the School Board who will challenge the old guard, ask tough questions, make the best decisions, and act as tribunes for the citizens and taxpayers.

What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve in this position?

As a university professor who has served in administrative positions and on many committees, I know how to create a collaborative environment. I have seen firsthand that the best educational outcomes occur when administrators provide educators with the support they need, with a minimum of wasteful bureaucracy and micromanagement. Effective teachers should be fairly compensated, while administrators should be limited to roles that really enhance teachers’ abilities to do their jobs exceptionally well.

If elected, what will your priorities be?

My first order of business would be to ask questions, learn, and familiarize myself with everything I could about Ridley’s schools, programs, and personnel. At the same time, I would work to maximize the transparency of the School Board’s work. I would push for televised meetings of the School Board and public access to committee meetings. The public—the taxpayers who fund the operation of Ridley schools—should be encouraged to attend Board meetings, ask questions, and have those questions answered fully and in a timely manner.

What inspired you to run?

I am a professional educator, and at the same time, I am a proud resident of Ridley. There is no question that our public schools are good, but I believe they can be excellent. I want to serve the public good in a way that best draws on my professional experience.

What do you hope to change if elected?

Having lived in Ridley for 23 years, I know and share the frustrations of many neighbors who don’t think their voices are heard. I want to create a community that values everyone’s perspective. It should not matter who you know, what political party you belong to, what neighborhood you are from, or how long you have lived in the community. I also want to ensure that our school taxes are spent wisely. All major—and most minor—contracts should but open to competitive bidding, with a transparent selection process. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and that applies equally to restoring the public’s trust in our institutions.